Landrace Pig
Place of origin: Denmark
The Landrace breed was developed in Denmark by crossing the native pig with the Large White. This cross was then improved on during years of testing and breeding under strict government control. The Danes refused to export live pigs until World War II, when the best specimens of the breed were exported to Sweden.
The term Landrace pig or Landrace swine refers to any of a group of standardised breeds of domestic pig, and in this context the word Landrace is typically capitalised. The original breed by this name was the Danish Landrace pig, from which the others were derived through development and crossbreeding. Wikipedia
Breed characteristics
The Landrace pig is of medium size, with a broad and straight body, deep flanks and lacks the wrinkles and excess fat found in some other breeds. Its body is covered with white skin which is free from black hair, supported by medium-length legs, that are well set and square with the body.
The head exhibits an elongated head shape, a snout which is long in size, and the large ears droop forwards, with ears that droop and slant forward with the top edges nearly parallel to the bridge of a straight nose.
Other Special Characteristics:
•A very hardy breed
•The sows are prolific and satisfactory mothers
•The Landrace are a mostly docile breed
•The Landrace sow farrows around 10 to 15 piglets a litter
•Climate Tolerance: adaptable to a variety of climates
•Landrace pigs are typically used for bacon and ham production, but their meat is also of high quality.
Coming from a family farming background Brendan is passionate and has appreciation of the values of farming practices of years past, and in 2019 when Fiorbhia Farm was launched, he was able to realise that passion. Situated on the outskirts of Portlaoise town, it is a journey of transforming around 26 acres of reclaimed native forestry which contains native trees, such as, Ash, Oak, Alder, Sycamore and Pine trees.
Brendan has always wanted to test out his belief that regenerative farming is both possible and profitable and the lockdown over covid gave him plenty of opportunity to organise and establish his plans for the first stages of this farming method.
Working slowly through overgrown forestry land, he cleared back small spaces of dead or dying trees, leaving those that had stable and well-established root systems well alone. As the trees were thinned out, sun was able to get through to the forest floor and lush grass and clover returned.
He slowly introduced a heritage breed Gloucester Old Spots, Tamworth and Landrace pigs, leaving them to root out any weeds and remaining shallow tree stumps that needed clearing. He now has a healthy rotation of pigs, small beef herd and chickens too!
Fiorbhia Farm operates a fully off grid 100% outdoor system. The forest provides shelter from rain and wind in the winter, and shade in the summer. Because of his belief in using traditional practice’s, Brendan is proud to have been able to keep his farm 100% chemical free. He uses no chemical fertilizers, pesticides or sprays on the land. He also uses no chemical intervention or antibiotics on his animals too. There are also no preservatives or additives in his beef and pork final products.