Chairman of the Irish Pig Society
Dermot Allen is one of the founding members and also Chairman of the Irish Pig Society. Dermot is one of the biggest breeders in Europe and one of only a handful of breeders in Ireland to keep the rare Oxford Sandy and Black, he has now 220 pigs and boasts 14 of the original female bloodlines and all 4 of the male bloodlines which is a great asset. His pigs are free range, born into a happy environment with lots of space and company and spend the majority of their time in forests and orchards.

Vice-Chairman of the Irish Pig Society
Andrew Agnew is the owner of a non-intensive holding which started in 2018, called White Mountain Farm, which is situated on the outskirts of Ardee, County Louth. The rare pig breeds that you will find here in White Mountain Farm are; Tamworth X Duroc, Saddleback and new to the farm in 2020 is their Oxford Sandy & Black pigs.
Andrew farms an outdoor system utilising twenty-five acres of forestry where he is currently clearing land with the purpose of making it into a regenerative farming.
The stock have access to fresh green pastures outdoors 24/7. The non-Intensive way of farming allows the stock to behave in their natural environment which give the meat the ultimate flavour as you would expect.

Treasurer of the Irish Pig Society
Anthony Ardee is one of the founding members of the Irish Pig Society, together with his wife and family they are the owners and managers of Killruddery Estate, Bray, County Wicklow (www.killruddery.com).
Anthony began raising pigs in 2011 when they got two Saddlebacks and a Duroc to help clear out some of our then overgrown Victorian Walled Garden.
Now at Killrudery Estate they raise Middle White Pigs, meadow feed, free to roam, rearing pigs for pork in a way that .001% Irish Pork is raised and in a way they would love to see more people raise their pigs, and certainly, we are noticing that there is a huge public sentiment that would agree that this is what they want to see.